Five Top Tips for A Better Week

Howdy there guys!

Been a while, I won't lie, I have not been on my blogging game recently, I have had a lot going on and to sort out but it's all good because I am now back and feeling fighting fresh!

So today I thought I'd share five tips I have developed that I have aided me in feeling more positive about life, meaning I no longer have to drag myself out of bed, I jump out instead!

1. Take things one at a time
              I was explaining to my lovely other half the other week this concept because he was having a short period where he was quite stressed and panicky.
Essentially, it's about prioritizing things and ensuring that you're not stressing yourself out about something, that while important, isn't worth thinking about for another two weeks or so. For example,  let's look at a potential to-do list:
  • you've got a friend's birthday coming up at the end of the month
  • you need to finish a piece of work for college/school/work for in two weeks time
  • you need to book a taxi for tomorrow
  • the horses need such and such (this is a common one for me lol!)
Now for me, whilst all are important, I would prioritize these as such:
  1. Taxi
  2. Horses
  3. Planning and carrying out piece of work (this may be second depending on the work)
  4. Birthday (Friends are important but so is your health)
I often set my days out like this in my head, I would suggest writing it down if it helps, almost like a to-do list, this is a great way to feel like you are keeping on top of things. Ticking a small box on a page can be more satisfying than you may realise until experiencing it. Who doesn't love feeling organised?!

2. Put 'me time' aside
            Me time is so, so important for so many people, and yet we neglect it and put others first all too often. Now I'm not saying never be nice to anyone but sometimes you need to make sure you're okay before applying that thoughts to others around you. There are so many different ways on spending this time, it just depends on what you enjoy. I love sitting down with my colouring book on a horrid, stressful day, or even a day when I'm just stuck indoors and it's getting me down. Another thing I think is fab, although cliche, music!! Nothing warms the soul like good music session and a good old dance round the house to get the juices flowing! As they say, dance like no-one is watching! A good bath with a bath bomb and some scented candles is also a great way to unwind after a stressful day. Like I said, whatever you enjoy, make time for it! Even if that time is after work in an evening, or a whole day of a weekend, set time aside and do something that makes you happy, it's so important. 

3. Health isn't just about 'getting fit'
          Being healthy isn't just about that gym body, whilst exercising has so many health benefits, eating well and drinking enough water is equally just as great, if not better. Eating the right diet can affect so much more than just your weight. It can affect your energy levels, which may aid in helping you feel more positive to start the day and face the world, it also gives you the minerals and vitamins you need to ensure your body functions properly. As well as eating well, drinking lots of water is a vital part of your day to day life. Drinking enough water ensures that your kidneys and muscles are working well, which is so, so vital. To help with this, I try personally to have a bottle of water next to my bed at all times. I also take juice flavoured water to work with me, so that I know that I drink enough water, but with that extra added taste benefit. I have actually notices that since starting to do this, I have actually drank a hell of a lot more water and I always feel a lot better within myself if I know I have done this. Food wise, it's about eliminating that temptation, set yourself a list when you go shopping and stick to it. Eating right and drinking well and staying in a routine can help with your sleeping pattern. Enough sleep is vital for your health, it's your body's way of recharging!

4. Write things down
           This sort of brings me back to my first point, but it does more times than not, help to write stuff down. If you don't want to talk about things out loud or to a certain person, write it down, seal it in a envelope or even throw it away after, that way you are physically putting that worry to rest. This doesn't work for everyone, but I definitely found it worked wonders for me. I even wrote things down and gave them to people I wanted to speak to but didn't want to physically say the words for a number of reasons. That also helped, I allowed someone to help me but I didn't have to force myself to revisit everything and feel the pressure of telling someone. It is your choice how you write things down and what you do with them after, everyone deals with things differently, meaning everyone overcomes them in their own way too.

5. Do more of what makes you happy
            Yes, I am aware you have probably seen this plastered everywhere and heard it a hundred times over, but it is true. I recently started a new job, have cut a lot of people out of my life and done what I have needed to do to ensure I am truly happy and I don't think I have felt this happy in a long time. I love my job so much, I feel like it was made for me haha! I now see the world in such a different light all because if I wasn't happy with how things were going, I would sit down, weigh everything up and see what it was that was causing me this distress and I got rid of it. Jobs for example, not everyone can do this but search for other options, you can do whatever you choose, you just have to take the first step. Replace what makes you sad, with what makes you happy. Sounds simple I know, but honestly, review what it is that is making you feel this way, view the options on how to change it and do it. Do not let anyone limit you, ever.

And that's my 5 tips! I was going to do 10, but I ended up writing a lot so I thought I best not bombard you and went for 5 haha! I hope these help and you enjoy them. Now, go out and buy that dress, or do a bungee jump, stop letting unnecessary factors get you down!
I love you all lots guys, enjoy your week!

Lots of love xx


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