Body Image

Hi guys!
Today I wanted to talk about something that affects a lot of us, body image.

Now I know this is a pretty vast topic so let's just cover a little bit.

I have been passionate about learning to see yourself for who you are for a very long time. I myself had to learn how to do this, and it wasn't easy.

I'll tell you a short personal story:

For ages I struggled with my weight, well actually I guess I didn't, I knew what I looked like and I knew I didn't like what I saw when standing in front of a mirror and that's all I knew for years. However, when I was in a pretty bad place last year, I lost all my appetite and I ate roughly one meal a day or less, sometimes I couldn't even finish that. For me, I felt great, I dropped two dress sizes and gained this tiny little figure that I'd always wanted; I didn't care how I was doing it, all I could see was the visual changes. My friends saw everything else. They nagged me tirelessly to eat more, my grandparents were constantly asking if I was okay, waiting on a phone call that I was in hospital. This never happened, but it could have if I'd have let it. I was incredibly lucky, I fought through the worst of my depression to come out on the other side and regain my appetite and though I went up a dress size, I am still far from feeling how I used to, and now I go to the gym, I try to eat better and tone up the proper way.

Some people cannot fight it, it consumes them, and it's very easy to let it. Seeing yourself in a way you'd before only imagined, it's great, but it's only truly great if it's done properly.

My point by telling you this is please, if you are not happy with how you look and you really want to change it, do it the right way. Exercise, eat well and drink lots of water, get lots of sleep and look after yourself. The most important part in your world is you, for without you, there is no world of your own. You may feel fine, but whilst you are only seeing the positives, people who care about you will also be seeing the negatives, so listen to them, I promise you they are only trying to help.

It is so important to surround yourself with positive influences. You do not need anyone or anything in your life that tells you that you need to change, unless it is affecting your health but more often than not, it is not affecting your health. You are perfect as you are, no-one can replace you, else there would be no you. Just because you look different to someone else, that doesn't make you any less of a person. It doesn't mean who you are, the way you think or the way you look is wrong. In fact is is so right to be unique! Embrace the truly weird and wonderful elements within yourself, that's what makes you so great, honest!

Take it from a ginger, being different is not as scary as it seems! ;)

To finish, I'll leave you with 2 quotes from one pretty odd yet awesome dude, Dr, Seuss:

"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no-one alive who is youer than you."
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

I often spend time looking at Dr.Seuss quotes, he was one very cool man and it just gives me a little pick me up reading his words, write them down and remember them, it works, promise!

P.S. you look great today <3


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