A Safe Space.

I have found in recent years that having somewhere you can call a 'safe space' is one of the most valuable and sacred things you can have as someone who suffers with mental health issues, especially those such as depression or anxiety.

A safe space can be anywhere. As long as you feel like you can be yourself, like you're safe and somewhere you can fully relax.
My safe space is my bedroom, it always has been. I love the feeling of knowing when I shut that door, it's just me and myself and whatever music I feel like listening to on that particular day. I find that on days (or weeks!) where I'm finding myself becoming particularly stressed either sitting in bed with a good comfort food, a cup of tea and a good film or whichever TV show is hitting your binge spot the most, is a recipe for success. I also find that sitting back with no technology, some chilled out music (I strongly recommend hitting up the mood section on Spotify and finding the chill section, amazing!), a good book or activity of choice, mine is colouring, I love it, is an amazing way to tune out of the world and tune into your little bubble.

Although it is so important to surround yourself with others at times, it is also so, so important to take that me time. Don't feel bad for taking time out to yourself, it's healthy and we all need it, no matter what. I find that if I don't take time to myself, I start pushing people away and turning into something evil lol! I love my me time. Nothing cures the soul more than a good bath, some chill out time and a good night's rest.

I also get that sometimes it's hard to find the time to take for yourself, especially if you work or look after kids etc. and if this is the case, I would definitely suggest planning ahead, so for example, plan a day where you know may be particularly stressful and set yourself an hour (maybe more) to go wherever you need to, to do whatever you need to, and don't push it back, take it, make sure you stick to it! Pushing that time back can only mean that you'll need it more and more until you push it back too far (like I have recently) and you end up feeling lost in the forest we call anxiety.

I just cannot stress it enough, take the time, relax. You deserve it, honestly. You fight so hard everyday and you always come out stronger, and that's tiring as hell! So take the rest you need to go back and continuing fighting. Hey soldiers have to sleep and unwind too!

Would love to hear where your safe space is and what you like to do to unwind, we can share ideas!

And remember, this too is a safe space to share in, and so is my messages box if you ever want a chat :-)

Speak to you soon. x


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