A bad spell.

Hi guys! How is everyone doing? 
Apologies for the gap between my last post, work has taken over!

Recently I have been doing really well, I was laying off my tablets, feeling a lot happier, and generally doing well. But in the past week, I have ended up back in that bad place. I'm not going to discuss everything going on with me because it's not something I wish to share right now, but it is affecting me in a pretty bad way. 

Having bad spells isn't a rare occurrence for anyone but it's not easy at any time, especially when you've been doing so well. It's times like these that do make you feel like you're never going to come out on the other side of everything, but that's not true, anything is possible, it just takes time and life isn't a straightforward path, though we may wish it to be, meaning that events do occur that can affect us, no matter how big or small they may seem. 

I won't lie, I do feel rubbish about letting myself get to this point yet again. I still get moments where I feel really good about stuff and forget about things for a while, I mean I have great ponies and I love my job, but when I'm lay in bed at night with nothing else to think about, everything seems to hit me at once. 

Like I've said previously, talking does help, and I have talked to people and tried to address what's going on, and it is getting better, but it's taking time, and that time is sending me a little loopy but it's important to try and wait things out, as hard as it is. It's very easy to let yourself think of the worst, I've had the most rubbish two weeks just gone but I'm taking each day as it comes, knowing that little by little things are improving. 

It's also important to listen to one person who you know will steer you the right way. This person is my Mum for me, whilst I appreciate the advice I receive off others, I know she will give me the most honest, reliable advice, and that is so important. I do think people like this are so valuable to have around you at all times, because when something major happens and you feel like you have nowhere to turn, these people will be there to get you back on your feet again. I'm very lucky to have my Mum be the great woman she is because she is my first port of call to talk to about everything, which is so nice. I say it every time but talking is honestly the best thing to do, keeping stuff bottled up helps no-one, and it doesn't allow people to know that what they may be doing is affecting you. Honesty is vital to any relationship whether friends, family or partners. It's hard to tell people how you feel but once you've put it out there, things will be able to be sorted out, whether for the good or the bad, at least you can stop worrying about it which can then allow you to focus on things that need vital attention, like exams, for example. 

I'm not going to ramble too much for fear of boring you, but I hope if you're struggling at the moment, you get the help and get through it, you are strong enough to do so :)

Lots of love xxx


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